Our Members Services

Here are the services that Right Path 4 offers within the comprehensive system of governance and compliance that is designed by dentists. 


Right Path 4 will provide support to your practice in a CQC/Compliance to ensure that all of your compliance processes and systems comply with CQC regulations. This also includes all advisory support to your team.

The Right Path 4  Membership includes:

  • Access to our easy Online Compliance Portal
  • Updates of changes to policies for new regulations/ legislations
  • Staff training 
  • Expert support from our Dental Compliance Team
  • Legal/ HR advice and support
  • Task Calendar
  • CPD courses for all staff members

Practice Visit

At Right path 4 we can offer to come to your practice to carry out a practice visit

This costs £550 + Vat and Travel 

To book this service please send us an email to request this. 


Mock CQC Inspection

We provide your practice with a Mock CQC Inspection day which give your whole team the chance to experience a one-day  CQC inspection so it will be ready for the real thing. Our Dental experts will teach you on how to respond to questions and where to find the essential evidence.

Additionally, you will be provided with full access to a Dental Advisor who will oversee all clinical areas to include infection control, Legionella, clinical audits and more. 

A report on how you did and suggestions for improvement shall also be provided to you. 

Right Path 4 will make sure that the basic fundamental compliance standards below shall be in place before your CQC inspection:

  • Safe Care & Treatment Regulation 12
  • Good Governance Regulation 17
  • Patient Centred Care Regulation 9
  • Staffing Regulation 18
  • Dignity & Respect Regulation 10
  • Need for Consent Regulation 11
  • Safeguarding Service Users from Abuse and Improper Treatment Regulation 13
  • Premises & Equipment Regulation 15
  • Receiving & Acting on Complaints Regulation 16
  • Fit & Proper Persons Employed Regulation 19

You will receive a full CQC Style Report as to your performance against the 5 key lines of enquiry, exactly how CQC would provide it if you had the real inspection.

Zoom refresher meeting

At Right Path 4 we can provide you with a FREE 45 min refresher zoom meeting to help you get the best use out of Right Path 4. 

Too book this please email a few dates and times that you would be available for this service. 

email is info@rightpath4.com

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